Braveheart, at the moment I am moving through sequences that sustain me in the midst of a season of slowness and change … as I continue to chronicle and compile the story I want to live. 💛
- Lynda Barry is someone I trust during such times.
- Her inspirations to “focus on the relationship between the hand, the brain, and spontaneous images, both written and visual” (Drawn & Quarterly) are a syllabus all their own. 💛
- I am taking inventory as I review my practice.
- Reviews: January | February
- Each week my practice begins with my collage journal. 📓
Create room for flexibility and adaptation, even before you have it all sorted out.
Morgan Harper Nichols
My personal syllabus of late includes:
- A lot of pen-to-paper processing (deciphering whatever is swirling around in my brain) as well as mind-mapping and cutting/pasting words from the content from Right Brain Planner templates.
- 🔮 It is vital to explore [creative ways] to co-exist with current events.
- 🚫 Otherwise…we live the same life over and over, a form of death ☠️🪦 …
I have also been doing a lot of reading (and napping) by my sunny picture window, walkabouts with my grrl and savoring conversations with kindred friends.

I have been told sometimes the most healing thing we can do is remind ourselves over and over and over other people feel this too.
Andrea Gibson, “The Madness Vase”
Braveheart, we all experience bouts with doubt, anxiety and overwhelm. This is why being invested in a kindred community is so vital.
- These realities are a reason to journal,
- … to be an observer of personal patterns and sequences
- … to read affirming books
- (and write your own affirming notes)
- and sometimes … choosing to give up hope.
The lesson for our creativity is simply this: To make our most ambitious creative dreams come true, deliberate practice has to be part of the picture.
Srinivas Rao

Dare greatly, fall down, and get back up.
Srinivas Rao
Braveheart, we must listen to, and honor, our own voices. This requires self-compassion, intention and the willingness to prioritize what matters most to us.
- Any day can be Day One. ➡️ Face forward and trust your pace. 💛
- Intention looks like keeping a chronicle (as in, always have a notebook at the ready). 📓
- Prioritizing our desires requires 🗺️ mapping + tracking our progress.
Something happens in your brain when you make a promise to yourself and then break it. The more you break the promises, the more your brain changes its operating patterns.
Hannah Brencher

Caught in the maelstrom of the moment, we forget this cyclical nature of history—history being merely the rosary of moments the future strings of its pasts.
Maria Popova
Thank you kindly for your interest in right brain planning! I am so grateful for your presence and support! ♥