Trying harder helps us feel safe in areas of our lives that may have felt overwhelming or out of control in the past.
Aundi Kolber
Trying harder is/was my default. That is why I am redirecting my focus to try softer. To allow myself to do less, to offer less … to feel less duty, to hold space with more joy.
There is some strange intimacy between grief and aliveness, some sacred exchange between what seems unbearable and what is most exquisitely alive.
Francis Weller

I have come to know the synergy of trying softer, grieving and aliveness (fullness) facilitates a pathway through suffering into aliveness.
- Right brain planning is how I chronicle and map this pathway; it is how I compile a dated visual of my living (trying softer, grieving and enlivening).

Learning to try softer is not a one time event but a way we learn to be with ourselves.
Aundi Kolber

Trying softer is sacred work. And while it won’t be perfect or easy, it will be worth it. Because this is what we were made for: a living, breathing, moving, feeling, connected, beautifully incarnational life.
Aundi Kolber
Thank you kindly for your interest in right brain planning! I am so grateful for your presence and support! ♥