January review

Braveheart, I delight in seeing content about February “being the new January” … especially because January is a bit of a blur for me due to a hard fall on the ice. 😵‍💫

[You] can allow yourself to observe what is slowly shifting, while also gently reminding yourself that you are within a landscape where slower moments and gradual growth can exist in the same space.

Morgan Harper Nichols
  • It is my practice* to envision my life in phases 🌑🌓🌕🌗🌑 as I cycle like the moon and within the rhythm of nature’s 🍂⛄🌷🌻 seasons.
    • *Something I try over and over … 😊

  • My partner and I have had some significant challenges during the past five years. Which made this year’s birthday celebration extra special due to the current ease of our living.
    • I am grateful for his ❤️ love and support through some extremely 💔 difficult situations along with wellness challenges for both of us.
  • I also celebrated my long-term friends—that include a few friendships I have treasured for my entire lifetime! ❤️ Together we are stronger, Braveheart.

[Finding] happiness is not achieved in itself, but rather it is the side effect of a particular set of ongoing life experiences.

Mark Manson

The Right Brain Planner Quarterly Guide Life Quad prompt for February is [relationships].

  • “All relationships are different and should be treated accordingly.” –Nedra Glover Tawwab
  • “It’s possible that your expectations have changed, and you may find yourself seeking something different. However, just because you’ve changed or have new thoughts doesn’t mean others are prepared or willing to adapt.” –Nedra Glover Tawwab
  • What Makes A Relationship Healthy?

I have learned to look inside myself for the love I cannot find in the world. I’ve developed new rituals and routines and now feel a renewed appreciation for life as it is, not as I wish it to be.

Mary Pipher

Thank you kindly for your interest in right brain planning! ♥