🗓️The second half of this calendar year is waving us onward …

You are doing something very sacred here during your life upon the earth. You are defining yourself in each golden moment of Now.

Neale Donald Walsch

One of the details of my creative practice is to check in daily using a monthly calendar. Sometimes I jot notes about that day (the weather, being/doing details, feelings, thoughts) and sometimes I add a doodle or swatch of color to the daily square.

  • And I always (always) track the phases of the 🌙 moon. 😊
  • Download this calendar journal; print and then add your daily notes, along with color, Washi tape, collage, found words, mark-making, etc.

Thank you kindly for your presence here, Braveheart. 

I appreciate your interest and support.

~love & good wishes~

2024 Right Brain Planner® Kit | field notes | Right Brain Planner® FAQ

2024 Right Brain Planner® Kit [Theme] Kaleidoscope Perspectives ✨ [Focus] — Noticing Beauty (within the kaleidoscope of your living: the ongoing, ever-changing “formations” of color and meaning)

  • This is possible, in part, by {you} and your presence here. But also because of the support of my Ko-fi patrons and the other other member/subscriber communities I host (via their presence, input and paid subscriptions).