Guide 1* | Guide 2** | Guide 3 | Guide 4

*The content for Guide 1 serves as an introduction to right brain planning. It includes (12) undated, monthly pages serve as a scaffolding for a right brain planning practice.

**The content for Guide 2 offers guidance + art for habits, routines and micro-creativity. ➡️ Related: any day can be Day One

  • This journal page includes Life Quad art, prompts and guide words + a daily line journal:

There are two parts to right brain planner resources:

  • (1) Seasonal Guides—content and principles regarding a right brain planning practice to foster the habit of attention regarding your “constellations” [energies, habits and rhythms] with self-compassion.
  • (2) Prompts and Templates—themed content to provide inspiration and dated supplemental content during the calendar year and available to my Ko-fi patrons. ★
  • I made the choice to invest in private communities because of the time required to maintain social media accounts but also to honor my limited ⌛ work schedule now that I am retired from full-time work.

💗 Download the insert with the 2025 lunar phases + monthly tabs—and the 2025 Right Brain Planner themed quotations to use in your “planner” at no charge:

The 2025 Right Brain Planner theme is:

[Chapters 📖 The Magic of Your Story Unfolding]

Chronic problems are most often solved by building new systems.

Seth Godin

As you master the art of showing up, the first two minutes simply become a ritual at the beginning of a larger routine.

James Clear
  • questions and wishes
  • daydreams and nighttime dreams
  • keywords and phrases
  • what we feel and think
  • what we want to learn about

★ EDITORIAL NOTE: My right brain planning practice is a continuous research project and constantly evolves. I publish compilations of my art and self-directed studies combined with guiding content, prompts and template pages. The themes of Right Brain Planner® resources are discussed via online support communities and content posts shared with my Ko-fi supporters and my blog.

Right Brain Planner® is the result of a lifetime of trial-and-error research, professional experience along with intentional investments of curiosity, time and energy. In 2008, I (Teresa aka stargardener), began to document my right brain planning practice via a WordPress blog. In 2012, I started publishing journal-planning prompts and template pages, and curating themed content that facilitates a creative record [tangible/ intangible] of intention and story. This practice encourages self-compassionate and self-expression with living more of what matters most within the four essentials of the Life Quad, along with tending to one’s personal trinity: mind, body, soul (spirit).

  • And I am okay with that. 😊 Because I know hundreds of right brain planners — and each one of them has their own unique, ever-evolving practice.

There is no substitute for observation + trial and error experimenting with what works for you as a right brain planner (and a human).

Thank you kindly for your presence here. 

I appreciate your interest and support.

~love & good wishes~

📌 Right Brain Planner® FAQ

This is possible, in part, by {you} and your presence here. But also because of the support of my Ko-fi patrons and the other member/subscriber communities I host (via their presence, input and paid subscriptions).