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For 2025—along with the resources I offer to my Ko-fi patrons—I will also be offering quarterly (seasonal) guides with instructional content about right brain planning:
Guide 1* | Guide 2** | Guide 3 | Guide 4
*The content for Guide 1 serves as an introduction to right brain planning. It includes (12) undated, monthly pages serve as a scaffolding for a right brain planning practice.
**The content for Guide 2 offers guidance + art for habits, routines and micro-creativity. Related: any day can be Day One
The 2025 Right Brain Planner theme is: [Chapters The Magic of Your Story Unfolding]
As a starting point (or an addition to your current journal-planning practice), I share free themed downloads each month.
- This journal page includes Life Quad art, prompts and guide words + a daily line journal:

*Print and use the art and content from this download as collage elements and prompts for your journal or planner. Ideas for using the line journal: compile quick daily notes about moments of intuition, synchronicity; highs and lows; or simply keywords to describe what you experience, imagine, dream and feel daily during the month of March.
There are two parts to right brain planner resources:
- (1) Seasonal Guides—content and principles regarding a right brain planning practice to foster the habit of attention regarding your “constellations” [energies, habits and rhythms] with self-compassion.
- (2) Prompts and Templates—themed content to provide inspiration and dated supplemental content during the calendar year and available to my Ko-fi patrons. ★
I post weekly to private Instagram accounts and host online co-creating sessions. Access is limited to members and the people I have worked with over the decades that I have compiled resources for Right Brain Planner and The Art Journaler.
- I made the choice to invest in private communities because of the time required to maintain social media accounts but also to honor my limited
work schedule now that I am retired from full-time work.
- More details regarding my choices about using Instagram.
Download the insert with the 2025 lunar phases + monthly tabs—and the 2025 Right Brain Planner themed quotations to use in your “planner” at no charge:
The 2025 Right Brain Planner theme is:
[Chapters The Magic of Your Story Unfolding]
Chronic problems are most often solved by building new systems.
Seth Godin
Building new systems within repetitive activities (habits & sequences) empowers us to live more of what matters most, Braveheart.
Cyclical resources to foster these systems are available to my Ko-fi patrons, members of the private communities I host, and here
(scroll to view files).

As you master the art of showing up, the first two minutes simply become a ritual at the beginning of a larger routine.
James Clear
Right brain planning is about allowing ourselves the option of creatively processing what we are feeling
and thinking.
Our right brain planners (jotted notes, color vents, collage and doodles of our ponderings and dated mental wanderings) are the data + a map of our living, serving as a tangible chronicle of our:
- questions and wishes
- daydreams and nighttime dreams
- keywords and phrases
- what we feel and think
- what we want to learn about
Our right brain planners can become a sacred space for processing what we need and desire — space where we observe and process the data of our living to make choices (and prioritize) what matters most to us.
★ EDITORIAL NOTE: My right brain planning practice is a continuous research project and constantly evolves. I publish compilations of my art and self-directed studies combined with guiding content, prompts and template pages. The themes of Right Brain Planner® resources are discussed via online support communities and content posts shared with my Ko-fi supporters and my blog.
Right Brain Planner® is the result of a lifetime of trial-and-error research, professional experience along with intentional investments of curiosity, time and energy. In 2008, I (Teresa aka stargardener), began to document my right brain planning practice via a WordPress blog. In 2012, I started publishing journal-planning prompts and template pages, and curating themed content that facilitates a creative record [tangible/ intangible] of intention and story. This practice encourages self-compassionate and self-expression with living more of what matters most within the four essentials of the Life Quad, along with tending to one’s personal trinity: mind, body, soul (spirit).

Whenever I am asked to define right brain planning, I begin by saying it is about self-compassion. It is also about attention and noticing, unfiltered expression and creative ways of chronicling life.

It has been my delight to host communities + publish resources that foster the practice of a creative record [tangible and intangible] of intention and story for almost 20 years.
There is no elevator speech [a 30- to 60-second answer] about right brain planning.
- And I am okay with that.
Because I know hundreds of right brain planners — and each one of them has their own unique, ever-evolving practice.
There is no substitute for observation + trial and error experimenting with what works for you as a right brain planner (and a human).
This site (and the concept of right brain planning) has always been about ideas and prompts provided for your interpretation, Braveheart.

Creativity is enhanced by being involved with kindred communities. That is why I will continue writing and sharing here, and privately in the communities I host (online and locally). ♥
Thank you kindly for your presence here.
I appreciate your interest and support.
~love & good wishes~

Braveheart, as the Creator/Artist of Right Brain Planner® I am ever-grateful to have the opportunity to share my creative work online + support other creators!
For almost 20 years I have had the privilege of sharing my art and writing about right brain planning while also hosting kindred
I consider it an absolute delight to continue this portion of my creative work (even as I retire from full-time work).
This is possible, in part, by {you} and your presence here. But also because of the support of my Ko-fi patrons and the other member/subscriber communities I host (via their presence, input and paid subscriptions).