[week 20/52] inviting grounding & writing for guidance

Write for guidance, and our lives become friendlier. The future no longer looms hostile and unknown.

Julia Cameron
  • my journal-planners are containers, sacred space for what I feel and desire to experience via expression (in syllables, found word collages, color and inky doodles) and dated chronicles
  • it represents the ongoing backstory + current realities + future vision I am living, processing and empowered by (and a practice that has served me well for decades)
  • The idea of being open to living — instead of trying to be — grounded, and trusting in Divine guidance within my capacity to listen and abide in peace and live freely.
  • My current writing goal: 150-ish (or less) words daily as free-writing, compiling notes from my self-directed studies and chronicling ideas from (and for) my creative work. 💖 Sometimes compiled here and published, sometimes not.

These compilations allow me to document, discern and ponder my living along amidst the ever-changing details of certainty, uncertainty and random challenges mingled with the details of daily minutia and my story-unfolding. 🔮