[week 22/52] inviting calm & writing for guidance

[I want to beg you] to be patient toward all that is unresolved in our heart…to live the questions now.

Rainer Maria Rilke
  • My focus (with my guiding word, latitude) is to move beyond my questions (and the emotional toll) of “why” and “when” and transition to a next-level acceptance regarding what has not changed.
  • “The processing of raw emotions is what allows us to move from doing to becoming.” -Sherianna Boyle
  • “Our job is to love others without stopping to inquire whether or not they are worthy” (Thomas Merton) but also, love and forgiveness does not ensure reconciliation.
  • “As you are noticing patterns you are beginning to learn how to read reactivity.” -Sherianna Boyle

  • My current writing goal: 150-ish (or less) words daily as free-writing, compiling notes from my self-directed studies and chronicling ideas from (and for) my creative work. 💖 Sometimes compiled here and published, sometimes not.

These compilations allow me to document, discern and ponder my living along amidst the ever-changing details of certainty, uncertainty and random challenges mingled with the details of daily minutia and my story-unfolding. 🔮

We must withdraw the negative projections we make on people and situations — projections that serve mainly to mask our fears about ourselves — and acknowledge and embrace your own liabilities and limits.

Parker J. Palmer